About US

Beijing, China







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Our Team

PHDS is dedicated to provide a professional environment that retains and sustains its whole teams of professionals who distinguish themselves by their solid knowledge background, proficient practical experience and enterprising spirit.

PHDS comes from such a kind of environment that shows trust not only to customers, partnerships, but also to all the stakeholders. The key of this trust lies in every professional's integrity to what they say they will do; lies in every professional's determination of conducting the business practice according to the well-accepted standards in industry; and lies in all our professionals' congruent identity towards PHDS' core management value.

PHDS operates in an environment that requires collective teamwork to face challenges, excogitate solutions, and cultivate success. The harmonious coordination amongst project teams, the efficient response to government’s requirements, and smooth communication between our operation groups and customers are integrated to guarantee PHDS being the best CRO in its industry.